Robin Hood is Directed by Ridley Scott, produced by Ridley Scott, Russell Crowe, Brian Grazer. Russell Crowe is playing the leading role of Robin Hood with Cate Blanchett, Max von Sydow, Mark Strong, William Hurt and Oscar Isaac. The Banner is Universal Pictures/ Imagine Entertainment, Brian Helgeland is the screen writer and genre is adventure.
The movie Robin Hood portrays so many drama sequences.The screen writer and Director took strange decision to tell the original story of Robin Hood without having proper research of past events and adventures. There is plenty of matter available in the story to hold you. Robin Hood's 140 minutes run time is dedicated to his adventures and history. You can see Robin Hood's rich historical past and adventures. Of course ! you will find them very interesting.
Robin Hood is a charismatic leader of men who are victims of the war between French King Phili and England's foolish King John (Oscar Isaac, resembling Joaquin Phoenix's Gladiator ruler).His chief opponent Godfrey (Mark Strong) manipulates both the kings.Other characters are Maid Marion (Cate Blanchett),Friar Tuck (Mark Addy) and a legendary Merry Men. Robin Hood's battle sequences reminds of Kingdom of Heaven, Troy, 300, and Gladiator. Over all It is a playful script and never bores you , ratings 7/10.
The movie Robin Hood portrays so many drama sequences.The screen writer and Director took strange decision to tell the original story of Robin Hood without having proper research of past events and adventures. There is plenty of matter available in the story to hold you. Robin Hood's 140 minutes run time is dedicated to his adventures and history. You can see Robin Hood's rich historical past and adventures. Of course ! you will find them very interesting.
Robin Hood is a charismatic leader of men who are victims of the war between French King Phili and England's foolish King John (Oscar Isaac, resembling Joaquin Phoenix's Gladiator ruler).His chief opponent Godfrey (Mark Strong) manipulates both the kings.Other characters are Maid Marion (Cate Blanchett),Friar Tuck (Mark Addy) and a legendary Merry Men. Robin Hood's battle sequences reminds of Kingdom of Heaven, Troy, 300, and Gladiator. Over all It is a playful script and never bores you , ratings 7/10.
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