A Sci-Fi thriller, directed, produced and written by Christopher Nolan. Inception was released on 16 July 2010. Leonardo Di Caprio is playing the lead role, supporting cast is Tom Hardy, Marion Cotillard, KenWatanabe, Tom Berenger, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Cillian Murphy, Ellen Page, Dileep Rao and Michael Caine. Inception is a mind boggler having many levels of reality, too many innovative ideas with too many things happening.
This Sci-Fi thriller will leave you tantalised,tortured, ticklish and tormented with its mindplay. In the movie, Dom Cobb(Leonardo Di Caprio) has a special ability to steal the dreams from any person's subconscious during his dream state. His outstanding ability put him in the state which costs him everything which he has loved. Now he is offered a last job which could get him life back, but this time he has to do just reverse of what he does before.Instead of stealing any idea from a victim's dream he has to implant a new one.
Leonardo Di Caprio justifies his role, he walks into people's heads . Ellen Page is very good and so is Marion Cotillard in the very few scenes that she gets.
The movie involves the intellect while at the same time not ignoring the visceral. The special effects of this movie are outstanding,these kind of special effects are rare occurrence these days. Inception really tantalises, ratings 4/5.
This Sci-Fi thriller will leave you tantalised,tortured, ticklish and tormented with its mindplay. In the movie, Dom Cobb(Leonardo Di Caprio) has a special ability to steal the dreams from any person's subconscious during his dream state. His outstanding ability put him in the state which costs him everything which he has loved. Now he is offered a last job which could get him life back, but this time he has to do just reverse of what he does before.Instead of stealing any idea from a victim's dream he has to implant a new one.
Leonardo Di Caprio justifies his role, he walks into people's heads . Ellen Page is very good and so is Marion Cotillard in the very few scenes that she gets.
The movie involves the intellect while at the same time not ignoring the visceral. The special effects of this movie are outstanding,these kind of special effects are rare occurrence these days. Inception really tantalises, ratings 4/5.
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